Cacao di grado cerimoniale

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Cultivate a deeper sense of self-love through the sacred power of Ceremonial Grade Cacao. Created with love and intention, our powerful medicinal cacao blends are designed for daily rituals, using ingredients that nourish both body and spirit. Empowering self-love, one sip at a time.

Ceremonial Grade Cacao from indigenous Maya tribes


Our cacao is exclusively sourced from small holder Indigenous Maya Mopan & Q’eqchi family farmers, mainly living off grid deep in the jungles of the Guatemalan highlands and Maya mountain range of southern Belize. 

Cultivated in biodiverse lands, these sacred beans flourish along side other ancient, sacred crops, like maiz and tobacco.

These special cacao beans are sun-dried and hand selected from the pure native Criollo variety and labelled with an Heirloom  Cacao Preservation (HCP) designation.

We honour the ancient wisdom of the Maya who have used Ceremonial Cacao for thousands of years as plant medicine –  they celebrate her energetic heart-opening ability, activation of the divine feminine and support the cultivation of a deeper sense of self-love.

Generations of traditions and sacred farming knowledge infuse each bean with love and deep respect for “La Madre Tierra.”

Scopri di Più Sul Nostro Cacao


Our cacao is as pure as it gets! This deeply nourishing beverage connects you with your true essence and heartfelt desires. Rooted in the feminine spirit of Ix Cacao, its magic flows through moments of community sharing, all the way to the cup in your hands.

Infused with love and intention – Our products are created with ingredients chosen for their high nutritional profile and ability to provide healing beyond the physical state, enriching your overall well-being physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Una volta arrivati nei Paesi Bassi, questi fagioli speciali vengono miscelati e confezionati con amore dal nostro team di lavoro sociale. Qui, persone che potrebbero non soddisfare le aspettative lavorative della società (a causa di disabilità fisiche o mentali) si uniscono per condividere le loro abilità e far parte di qualcosa di straordinario! Questa partnership rafforza la nostra dedizione all'utilizzo di pratiche sociali ed etiche in tutta la nostra catena di approvvigionamento.

Scopri i poteri curativi di questa sacra medicina vegetale e abbraccia l'essenza ad alta vibrazione delle nostre miscele di Cacao Cerimoniale. 

Dare forza all'amore per se stessi un sorso alla volta

Scopri di Più Sulla Nostra Storia

I nostri Ingredienti Medicinali

Fungo Criniera di Leone

Nr. 1 Nootropic for Brain health. The nutrition profile of medicinal mushrooms are so incredibly profound. Lion's Mane can help your body respond to anxiety, fatigue, and stress, and stimulate your overall health and well being

Fungo Chaga

Known as the "King of Medicinal Mushrooms," it supports immune system regulation by either calming an overactive response or strengthening a weakened system, promoting balance and resilience in the body.

Mucuna Pruriens

KAPIKACHHU - "The Dopamine Bean" is a nutritive tonic and adaptogen used in the Ayurveda medical system to nourish the nervous system, support healthy sexual energy, and strengthen and tone the reproductive organs.

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