Semi di cacao cerimoniali


SEMI DI CACAO cerimoniali, - Belize


In the ancient Maya lands cacao is considered a sacred plant where they have been using it for thousands as a plant medicine for the physical, mental and spiritual body. Still up today its amazing health and spiritual benefits are being honoured worldwide. These seeds can be used for offering in ceremonies, or used and consumed for further personal use Ceremonial Grade Cacao from indigenous Maya tribes,- Southern Belize. These Maya family farmers support sustainable agroforestry and harvest their cacao with deep respect for “La Madre Tierra”. Bringing you honest, premium, sustainable 100% pure cacao of the highest quality, that is  classified organic and “Ceremonial Grade”.

8 disponibili


Ceremonial Grade CACAO BEANS,

200 grammi

Nelle antiche terre Maya il cacao è considerato una pianta sacra dove viene utilizzato da migliaia di persone come pianta medicinale per il corpo fisico, mentale e spirituale. Ancora oggi i suoi straordinari benefici per la salute e spirituali vengono onorati in tutto il mondo.

Ceremonial Grade Cacao from indigenous Maya tribes,- Southern Belize. These Maya family farmers support sustainable agroforestry and harvest their cacao with deep respect for "La Madre Tierra". Bringing you honest, premium, sustainable 100% pure cacao of the highest quality, that is  classified organic and "Ceremonial Grade".

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 2.00 g
Pennini di cacao tenuti in mano
Semi di cacao cerimoniali